E –writing and emerging patterns in writing

Being literate is important and being a “literate” writer is an added advantage. Having a passion and flair for writing on the web/online writing is something which has come out as an emerging trend in the last few years. Trends in the previous decade were more towards a “handwritten” popularity of essays, notes, books, mailers etc. Extensive importance was given to spellings, diction and cursive handwriting. Cursive handwriting was taken as a benchmark and a precursor for getting premium writing assignments. Even the simplest form of writing was sending a handwritten post to friends and all near and dear ones. With advent of “free” email service on the web, most written communication takes place takes place on the web.
In the earlier days writing specialists were expected to have minimum Journalism or copy writing, editing qualifications or with post graduate degrees in English. Nowadays in the era of free lancers where spell checks and dictionaries are easily available online, incidence of errors automatically reduces. This helps in saving time as well as produce easily editable content. This is advantageous as it is not only quick but also is a cost effective method. However, it does not help in identifying the “right” writer for the right job. By simply following certain parameters for online writing, free lancers are able to become successful writers.
Further with technology taking its toll on all handwriting specialists, most writing today and in the coming years will be E-writing.
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