Communication is a way of life -The “T” Driver

Have you ever thought as what would be human life if there was an absence of communication?
To be honest, try as hard as you can, communication WILL still happen. The only thing is that you may or may not be able to hear it, feel it or see it in “WORDS.” Today, communication is no more a play or a normal exchange of words or expressions. All those are concepts of the previous decade.
Communication today has crossed all barriers of limitations like geography, distance, language availability of devices to name a few.
With rise in the consumer demand for devices and the ever increasing popularity of the internet, there are hardly any roadblocks to the flow of communication.
If one wishes to be in touch, technology paves the way in just a matter of seconds. In fact with the easy availability of devices and with telecom companies bridging all “gaps” with superior internet services at customized prices at the press of the button, communication becomes the way of life with every human being.
The modern era of communication defines the concept of touch, hear and listen as T –Touch, T –hear and T –listen.
Technology is influencing the daily lives of human beings and in a way “compressed” the world.