Indian Clinical Trial Market Snapshot: Molecules, Health Conditions and Sites (2018-2019)
Market Research

The Indian Clinical Trial market is currently going through challenging times. However Clinical Trial market ‘s major Growth Driver s are the patient trials on Off patent generic drugs i.e BA BE Studies. As far the sites for BA BE studies for Off patent drugs are concerned, the clinical trial sites for the same are reaching de growth …
Emerging clinical trials in COVID-19
HCQ-HydroxychloroquineMarket Research

This post comes as a part of the series of developments which are influencing the HCQ clinical trial market. Aggressive efforts of the developed and developing countries which are focused on new drug and vaccine research focused Clinical trials for Corona virus. Nearly 1000 multi centric trials for corona virus are currently in progress as …
Empowering Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research Companies to Explore & Identify research based Market Opportunities
Market Research
Empowering Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research Companies to Explore & Identify research based Market Opportunities Rashmi Pant is an extraordinary market research consultant who helps pharmaceutical and clinical research companies in the identification of research based target markets. This helps in introducing fresh product lines, limiting the scope of existing product lines and exploring profitable business …
Transition of Market Research to Digital Marketing and the Current Digital Marketing scenario
Market ResearchMarket Research CommunicationsMarket Research in Academics
Introduction Facing rapid social, technological, and economic change, the traditional marketing research industry will either adopt new tools and talent, repositioning itself in a more strategic, consultative space, or it will fall into decline. The rate of change in marketing research will accelerate as new entrants from the wider emerging marketing research insights industry (management …
Market Research techniques by
Market Research

Advantages of PRECISE Research based Market Identification Help in development of cost-effective marketing strategies and improving ROI’s from marketing campaigns. Achieving success in introduction of fresh product lines without relying on hit & try methodologies, lowering costs associated with product launch. Improving market penetration of existing product lines by getting an idea about needs and …
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Market Research – the key to precision and accuracy
Market Research helps with all your searching needs with the right choice of keywords and with the right choice of references. helps you understand the market scenario of your industry starting from the macro levels and taking them to the micro levels. acts as your guide in understanding and interpreting the information better …
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Market Research forecasts for the global economy
Market Research

The growth of a nation is tied to the growth of its major cities. Top cities globally have grown faster in terms of GDP than their nation’s GDP. Major cities contribute to the economic prosperity of a nation and not vice versa. Investments, trade and consumptions take place in the major cities of the world. …
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Market Research on Fixed Target selling
Market Research

A product which has a fixed target in a specified area has to be distributed among the sales personnel responsible for selling that product in that area. This is done by the sales manager who heads the sales force in that area. The sales force can vary in each area depending on the nature of …
Market Research on Management Institutes
Market Research
Key points – develop a Management Institute Business Environment Business need Skill development Understanding competition Understanding Industry Goals & Expectations Importance of Communications & Internet Research – Driver in understanding business needs Need for accurate marketing communications – helps in achieving the goals of all major stakeholders in the industry. Using Market Research Communications …
Market Research on Selling innovative products and services
Market Research

What should a manager do to sell a product? In today’s competitive scenario, when times are tough and options for product purchase are many for the consumer, companies keep on positioning and repositioning their products in their respective sectors. They have a tough battle to engage themselves with. They not only face challenges to sustain …
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Importance of Market Research in Selling
Market Research

Ideal Selling steps Category : Marketing and market Research For all those Sales and Marketing specialists who wish to establish themselves, highlights the following IDEAL steps to selling a product. Search your competitor/s with similar or nearly similar features Compile a list of the competition with the maximum number of available variables of the …
Market research “Discipline”
Market Research introduces the Research discipline Research discipline starts with creation of a need for a research objective. Arriving at a final goal of the research objective is the prime base of The path of understanding is then created by with the help of specific key words based on the objective. The initial selection …
Contemporary Market Research
Market Research

Market research in today’s contemporary world aims mostly at data collection for a particular need or a requirement for studying a behavioural pattern by a consumer for a good or a service. The nature of the need for market research is highly dynamic as consumer behaviour today is under an influence of large online and …