Indian Clinical Trial Market Snapshot: Molecules, Health Conditions and Sites (2018-2019)
Market Research

The Indian Clinical Trial market is currently going through challenging times. However Clinical Trial market ‘s major Growth Driver s are the patient trials on Off patent generic drugs i.e BA BE Studies. As far the sites for BA BE studies for Off patent drugs are concerned, the clinical trial sites for the same are reaching de growth …
The dilemma of HCQ production continues… Part 2

Part 2. The post comes as a part of the series on the growing requirements of HCQ world wide. Global clinical trials are on for this very age old drug to collect additional and supporting evidence for treatment for COVID -19 virus. Simultaneously , there is a dire need to ramp up production of the …
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Emerging clinical trials in COVID-19
HCQ-HydroxychloroquineMarket Research

This post comes as a part of the series of developments which are influencing the HCQ clinical trial market. Aggressive efforts of the developed and developing countries which are focused on new drug and vaccine research focused Clinical trials for Corona virus. Nearly 1000 multi centric trials for corona virus are currently in progress as …
The dilemma of HCQ production

Will Indian pharma be able to overcome the challenges it faces in the COVID -19 crisis? Indian pharma which has less than 20 players in the HCQ formulation ( tablet ) market which is working day and night to enhance supplies of HCQ tablets for its Corona virus patients in India. Interestingly, HCQ is no …
Rashmi Pant participated in the conference in Session 4 and Session 5 on the 15 Sep 2018
Market Research Conferences

Rashmi Pant participated in the conference in Session 4 and Session 5 on the 15 Sep 2018 in the following roles: Panelist in the discussion titled – Quality Standardisation & Challenges for session 4 Panelist, speaker and Co Chairman in the session titled Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine and Biomedical Applications – Emerging Trends for session 5
Empowering Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research Companies to Explore & Identify research based Market Opportunities
Market Research
Empowering Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research Companies to Explore & Identify research based Market Opportunities Rashmi Pant is an extraordinary market research consultant who helps pharmaceutical and clinical research companies in the identification of research based target markets. This helps in introducing fresh product lines, limiting the scope of existing product lines and exploring profitable business …
Transition of Market Research to Digital Marketing and the Current Digital Marketing scenario
Market ResearchMarket Research CommunicationsMarket Research in Academics
Introduction Facing rapid social, technological, and economic change, the traditional marketing research industry will either adopt new tools and talent, repositioning itself in a more strategic, consultative space, or it will fall into decline. The rate of change in marketing research will accelerate as new entrants from the wider emerging marketing research insights industry (management …
Linking balance score card with Market Research
Market Research in Academics

Construction of the Balance Scorecard: Financial and Non Financial Measures Success BSC? Mixture of Financial or Non Financial Measures grouped into 4 distinct perspectives of F, Int. Bus Process, Customer and L&D. Objective of any Business unit: Motivate all managers and employees to implement successfully the business unit’s strategy BSC: Method of translation of the …
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