
Rashmi Pant is a leader in the market research consulting space, helping companies derive optimal market intelligence from available proprietary and secondary desk research. With over 23 years of experience and associations with Torrent Pharma, Intas Pharma, Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company, Veeda Clinical Research, and Cliantha Research, she has accumulated deep marketing intelligence based on comprehensive data analytics. She advises pharmaceutical and clinical research companies from UK, USA, and India in attaining a strategic perspective for discovering optimal, unexplored, and sustainable growth opportunities. Her expertise is in secondary desk research, market intelligence, and strategic marketing. She teaches market research, strategic marketing, business communication and pharmaceutical management courses at Gujarat University’s BK School of Management, Amity University, Shanti Business School, and Xcellon to both full-time students and working professionals.

To know more about her, visit www.rashmipant.com or contact her at pant.rashmi1971@gmail.com or rp_pant@rediffmail.com


Professional Experience

Media Mentions, Published Research, and Academic Experience

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